la bajo del piel:
| 9/29/2010
sympa et ce nom "karmaos" me rappelle un truc !
| 9/29/2010
écoute wpuseuser serais-tu mon mari en personne, ou ma fille ou l'une des personnes que j'aime le plus au monde, je DETESTE ETRE SPAMMEE
aussi sans l'ombre d'un doute j'appuierais sur le "bouton qui tue le spam"
je cite sans mettre le lien:When women put in a pair of beautiful xxxxxxxxxx Shoes, they can instantly treat themselves differently. The xxxxxxxx Shoes can change womens body language and their attitude towards life. You will love your present life much more than before with a pair of xxxxxxx Shoes. You instantly stood up taller and be much more confident. So you just can not ignore the beauty that xxxxxx had brought to you. Women loved these shoes so much because the designer xxxxxxx understands women very much. When I first saw the xxxxxxxxxx Shoes,I fell in love with it. xxxxxxxxxx Shoes are the best high heels to match your dress and hairstyles. The innovative designs and the good quality make it become famous all over the world.If you were saw the picture of xxxxxxxxxx on the magazines or on TV,you will be addicted to the high heels,and you cant resist it. It can make you more and more womanly and sexy just like the stras and celebrities who are wearing xxxxxxxxx Shoes. xxxxxxxxxx has become a hot topic among women,they often talk about the news of the xxxxxxxxxx Shoes.So why not wear a high heels make yourself become fashion,and there are many Cheap xxxxxxxxxxx Shoes online. This summer the xxxxxxxxxx Shoes also have so many changes of the new designed high heels which are comfortable and colorful.
de wpuseuser le 2010-09-29 à 05h39
je préfèrerais de beaucoup avoir de VRAIS COMS
voire sinon PAS DE COM DU TOUT!
| 9/29/2010
marrant ça le nom vient de là ?
B l o w n b l u e
| 9/29/2010
je ne pense pas Blue Stéphane m'avait expliqué je pense pourquoi KarmaOS il faut le lui demander, il pourra te dire mieux que moi
OS: Operating System en anglais, en français un système d'exploitation; l'ensemble de logiciels central d'un appareil informatique.